Thankfully, the days are gone where blood, sweat and tears were required to cut out Turf. Our newest addition to the family is a fully automatic harvester. Cold, dark and wet mornings (left) are no longer an issue with heaters, a comfortable seat, lights and grab arms to do the hard work for you.
Below are only a handful of the many and varied applications that Turf has. As you can see, the only limitation is your imagination. We are proud to have been a part of all of our landscapes. Whether it only makes a difference to you, or the masses, Instant Lawn is the smart choice.
below: Roll out Turf. Instant Lawn Mount Gambier
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Residential or Commercial. Instant Turf makes and Instant impact
Instant Lawn Warrnambool - Instant Lawn Mount Gambier

Robe Golf Course to Completion 2019
Roll out Turf
Glenburnie Race Course
Instant Lawn Mount Gambier

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Paolo Sebastian Couture Runway 2017
photo. Roll Out Turf
Event Styling assisted by Blue Lake Turf Supplies
photo. Roll Out Turf