This is a creeping perennial that has stolons and rhizomes with above and below ground runners. It requires a minimum of four hours direct sunlight, but thrives in full sun. It is very vigorous, but the most drought tolerant of all grasses. Suited to large dry areas or household lawn, Kikuyu has an extremely high wear tolerance which makes it ideal for high traffic areas.
Self repairing and dog tolerant, Kikuyu seed is not the same as the male sterile kikuyu that comes as Instant Turf. It can spread from viable seed heads that will develop if they are left to get too long. Kikuyu is a popular choice for both domestic and commercial use due to it's affordable pricing and durability. It makes an excellent cover for sporting ovals, schools, and parks and it's recuperative properties and vigorous growth are probably it's greatest attribute for these applications.
The next hardiest grasses are the fescues. They are evergreen non-running grasses so the base preparation is most important - requiring a minimum 150mm of free draining soil and using some 30% more water than couch. The mowing height is extremely important as these must be mowed very high in summer and only slightly lower in winter. They are reasonably shade tolerant to 85%. which equates to slightly less than 3 hours of direct sunlight per day.
Did you know our Roll out Turf also goes Interstate into regional Victoria? Give us a call to discuss Delivery to your area, and buy from the preferred Garden Turf Suppliers in the Industry. Residential and Commercial clients welcome. Phone Adam on 0418854764 today.


Santa Ana is a fine leafed warm season couch grass that thrives on sun and heat. It is tough and durable and looks best when mown short. If grown in full sun, Santa Ana is extremely hard wearing and will tolerate considerable traffic.
It is perfect for hot north facing situations. It is a medium vigour creeping perrenial with above ground runners that can be maintained in a given area by bordering. Santa Ana has a bright green leaf and good colour retention giving it a superior appearance.
This grass is suitable for residential and commercial lawns where a soft formal appearance is required. It is very popular on high wearing areas such as golf courses, tennis courts, cricket wickets and bowling greens where close mowing is required.
In Spring, Santa Ana lawn (as with any lawn) should be mown very low and fertilised. This removes the thatch that has built up in your lawn and allows new stolon growth.
An even surface of 75-100mm of a well drained sandy loam prepared before laying is important and annual to bi annual renovation may be necessary, ideally during the spring and autumn months.
Once your lawn has been laid, fertilise with a good NPK Fertiliser and completely soak the area with water for up to an hour.
For the best results, water your lawn every evening for approximately 20 minutes for the first week.
There after, water every second day for the next 2 weeks. Your lawn may brown off slightly due to stress but will regain it's colour in two weeks with new growth.
More info? https://www.bluelaketurfsupplies.com.au/what-turf-type-is-right-for-me
Your new lawn will generally need mowing 4-6 weeks after installation. The basic mowing rule is never to mow more than 10-15mm of the leaf blade during the establishment of your lawn.
Mow the grass regularly to your desired height to keep a well groomed lawn.
Never leave heavy lawn clippings over your lawn. It will suffocate and kill the lawn.
More info? https://www.bluelaketurfsupplies.com.au/faq